2019 Annual General Meeting

Tuesday, May 28, 2019 

Registration – 6:30pm, meeting call to order – 7pm

Highlands Community League Hall 6112-113 Ave., upstairs

You’re invited to attend our annual general meeting on Tuesday, May 28. See how the league is doing, learn about our financial health and vote on the coming fiscal year’s budget. It’s also a perfect opportunity to catch up on the news regarding the work of the hall renewal committee.

Board Elections

The AGM is also election time. Only Highlands Community League (HCL) members with valid memberships will be allowed to vote. Memberships will be available for purchase prior to the start of the meeting. Community league members in good standing are invited to join the league’s ranks as a voting or non-voting board member. Highlands Community League serves its community in a number of ways – from providing programming to hosting social events, including the popular Highlandia festival.

By working with you, the league also serves as the voice of the community on important civic matters, such as the Exhibition Lands project and the upcoming neighbourhood renewal project with the City of Edmonton. By becoming part of the league, you will help continue the building of a strong, diverse community that we are all proud to call home.

4 Ways To Be Part of the Highlands Community League

1) Join the board – Below is a list of positions that are open, please click on each to learn more or we’ve also provided quick descriptions for those of you who want the short-and-snappy version on the League Board Roles page. Some people have put their name forward already, but all positions are open, and we will take nominations from the floor. If you would like to put your name forward before the election, please send an email to [email protected].

2) Committee work – We know that not everyone wants to or is able to sit as a director, but they would still like to contribute in some way. While there still needs to be a league director, we welcome your involvement in any capacity.

3) Become a general volunteer – General volunteers are invaluable to a community league and provide much needed support when it’s most needed. As a general volunteer, you sign up to help out at major events, etc.; could be just one event/activity or it could be more – the choice is yours.

4) Lead a program – Do you have a great idea for a program you think the community would love? Getting it started is as easy as putting a proposal together and connecting with the program director. The league is happy to help build strong, suitable programming for our community. Note: This same process applies to starting a community club. Contact the programs director who will get you started.

Unsure? Fill out our general volunteer form and someone will connect with you.

We look forward to seeing our members and neighbours at the HCL AGM on May 28

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