Skating rink open (with COVID-19 precautions in place)

Photo of the community rink in winter 2019/20
The community rink in Winter 19/20.

Thanks to the efforts of our volunteers, the rink is open! We’ve identified guidelines below to keep our community as safe as possible. Most importantly, stay home if you’re experiencing any symptoms and please check in to allow for contact tracing

  • Rink capacity is 10 people on each rink at all times
  • The hall will remain closed for the season

UPDATE: Hockey is allowed. Please keep to your cohort and distanced from others on the ice.

On-Ice Guidelines

  • Engage in hand hygiene before and after each skate
  • Refrain from touching your face during activities (if you can wear a mask, please do)
  • Maintain physical distancing when multiple cohorts are on ice
  • Refrain from spitting and clearing your nose during activities
  • Keep your equipment and water bottles to yourself
  • Avoid on-ice activities if experiencing COVID-19 symptoms
  • If there are 10 people on each rink, please come back later
  • Share the ice: if you notice it’s a busy time, please keep your skating time to an hour to allow other families access to the ice

If you test positive for COVID-19 and may have been infectious while at the rink, you must call the League: 780-477-5350 (please leave a message with the day and time you were at the rink, and your name and number if you’d like to be called back).

If HCL is made aware of a positive case, we will update via social media channels.

Contact tracing at the rink

All participants are expected to use EFCL contact tracing: scan the code (available on posters at the rink or use the one below) and fill out the form to be notified of any positive cases.

QR code to scan to do COVID-19 contact tracing at the Highlands Community League skating rink

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