Thanks to everyone who came out for our 2024 Hot Dog BBQ and Annual General Meeting on May 25. This year’s AGM elected the following board directors into new positions:
President – Micki Baydack
Civic Affairs – Keith Martinot
Social/Events – Tricia Sullivan
Casino/Volunteer – Connie Yuen
Treasurer – Ryan Beissel
Secretary – Jess Kunicki
We also thank the following board director for continuing into another term: Facilities – Nathanael Sapara
Last but not least, we welcomed Caitlin Beaton into her new role as Past-President. We thank all outgoing board members (Andrew, Betty, Bruce, Jason, Leanne, Graham, Robert, Asha, Amber) for their past service.
As we did not fill the following roles, they are still available by appointment for a 1 year term: Communications, Rentals, Vice President. Please inquire if you’d like to volunteer, or learn more about the league and board roles >