Board Members Wanted

Board members wanted! The Highlands Community League is looking for energetic and enthusiastic community members to join our Board. We have several exciting initiatives underway, including Hall Renewal. We are looking for several individuals to join the Board and play an integral role in shaping our community.

What’s in it for you?

You’ll learn valuable leadership, event planning, project management and public relation skills. And you’ll know you’re building a strong and safe neighbourhood for all community members.

Available positions:

Soccer Director(s) – The soccer director is responsible for supporting and promoting sports programs in Highlands. If we are unable to find volunteers, there will be no soccer in Highlands. Traditionally, this has fallen to a single person, however due to the high amount of tasks we are looking for several volunteers to fill this position. They review and prepare policy and procedures related to sports programs. They are also responsible for recruiting coaches, delegates coaching responsibilities, and organizing other volunteers (with help of the Volunteer Director). Organizing registration times, setting and collecting sports programs fees, and arranging timetables are key activities. Finally, they are expected to attend zone and other city-wide sports related meetings.

Director(s) at Large – Civic Affairs, Social and Events, Volunteer, Programs 

Directors at Large are responsible for supporting the operations of the Board. They review and prepare items related to their delegated responsibilities and may be tasked with broader responsibilities as requested by the Board. A large part of the Director at Large role focuses on the planning of events, having a pulse on civic affairs, assisting with volunteer coordination and community-led programs. Finally, Directors at Large may be requested to participate in external meetings to represent the Highlands Community League.

Communications Committee Members – Looking for several individuals with varying expertise levels to assist with communications. Photographers, web experts, writers, graphic designers, communications professionals and any others interested to assist with communications. All HCL activities require communication efforts to let our community know what’s happening.

If you’re interested in joining your Highlands Community League, please email [email protected] stating your interest.

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