League Board Roles

The League welcomes energetic and enthusiastic community-minded members to help shape our community. Bring your expertise, skills and vision to the board, a sub-committee or an event.

Learn valuable leadership, event planning, project management and public relation skills; help build a strong and safe neighbourhood for all community members; and see your vision for what defines a healthy, well-rounded community come to life.


Learn about the various Board positions below (and download the full pdf descriptions). These short blurbs serve as an idea as to how the board functions, but the team is open to all ideas and strategies to achieve the community vision. All roles are expected to report monthly on their position and commit to being prepared for each board meeting. If fulfilling one of these roles sounds like too much, fill out our volunteer form or consider volunteering as a committee member.



You are the big cheese: spokesperson for the league and its residents, attender of meetings, public face of the board. You’re an experienced cat herder; people management is your jam. You know what everyone on the board is working on, and get involved as needed. You have a vision for the board and will work to build buy-in with the board and community to execute it.
Time Commitment: 8-15 hours per month
Skills: Strong communicator, knowledge of board governance, conflict resolution and negotiation skills, experience in change management and strategic planning

Vice President

When other kids were pretending to be Batman, was Robin more your speed? Do you think that the side-kicks are the true superheroes? This is your time. The vice president supports the president and steps up when they are unable to serve their role. You attend meetings in the president’s stead, sign cheques, and perform duties as required. You work behind the scenes with individuals on the board to get stuff done.
Time Commitment: ~8 hours per month
Skills: Organization, public speaking, public relations, board governance and administration.


The buck stops here. Budgeting gives you a thrill. You may moonlight as an accountant or bookkeeper, but you also may just be on top of your household finances. All of the money goes through you: you write the cheques, check the mail, write invoices, deposit funds, and manage the league’s investments. You work with the bookkeeper to keep records organized and transparent, and report regularly to the board and the community.
Time Commitment: 6 hours per week
Skills: Attention to detail, basic understanding of financial statements, reporting and accounting practices.


You are the first point of contact for inquiries from the community. You create and maintain league documents, including meeting minutes, and organize shared files. You work with other directors to draft grant applications, file society returns, and submit bylaw amendments.
Time Commitment: ~1-2 hours a week
Skills: Organization, customer service/delegation. Assets: Experience with Google Drive, process improvement, tech-savvy.


Casino Director

Let’s be honest: you’re the reason we have money to do fun things. You work very closely with the Alberta Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis (AGLC) and the board to run events like bingo, casinos, or 50/50 draws. You put the necessary paperwork and volunteers in place for these events to operate (we currently host a casino every two years). Ideally, you’ve been through all of this before. Past directors are available for your transition.
Time Commitment: In a casino year (every other year) about 15 hours in preparation and follow up and usually two 12-hour shifts in one of the key roles during the casino event.
Skills: Attention to details around timely submission of forms. Ability to work with a variety of volunteers. Ability to use SignUp.com for volunteer commitments.

Civics Director

You’re a diplomat and a community ambassador. You bring together government/city representatives and Highlands residents as a collective group for presentations, discussion, and Q&A opportunities around city initiatives’. This role has a focus on housing, businesses, and infrastructure and especially neighbourhood renewal. You also keep an eye on what’s happening at the Exhibition Lands.
Time Commitment: 4-6 hours per month
Skills: Communications, networking, diplomacy, facilitation.

Communications Director

You’re one of the lucky ones – you have a sub-committee to help develop communications strategies, messaging, promotions and branding to effectively reach Highlands residents. You have a lot of opinions about websites and social media, but you’re also passionate about reaching those in the community who don’t rely on these tools for information. You advise the executive if the media has questions about the neighbourhood and the league.
Time Commitment: 10-16 hours per month
Skills: A keen eye for design, editing and proofing. Delegation. Experience with social media posting (Facebook, Instagram) and website content management (WordPress). Assets: Familiarity and skills with MailChimp, spreadsheets, Google Suite and backend website management.

Events Director

As a community connector, an invite to your party is prized. You get joy and energy from a perfectly orchestrated event. This role serves as the official Highlands party planner. Pub nights, the annual pancake breakfast, community league day, Christmas potluck, and the Highlandia festival fall to your highly capable hands. It’s no secret that the volunteer director will be your new best friend.
Time Commitment: 8-10 hours per month
Skills: Organization, people skills. Assets: infectious energy and a get-er-done attitude.

Facilities Director

You’re responsible for maintaining the Community League hall and grounds. This consists of purchasing supplies, coordinating maintenance of league equipment, oversight of any contracts for cleaning etc. and keeping the building and grounds in good order. This includes ice maintenance and teaching people how to operate the snow machines in winter and lawn maintenance in summer.
Time Commitment: 15-30 hours per month
Skills: Basic knowledge of tools, small engine repair, plumbing, electrical, carpentry, HVAC.

Membership Director

Are you a community cheerleader, eager to get others involved in making Highlands great? You organize a door-to-door membership campaign and work with local businesses to sell community league memberships. You engage with neighbours at local and community events on behalf of the board to promote membership and maintain a database of members.
Time Commitment: 6-10 hours per month
Skills: Organization, Google programs (including Docs, Slides and Sheets) and digital savvy, networking/social skills.

Programs/Rentals Director

While the events director is the big party planner, you’re more like a cruise director – responsible for regular events and happenings at the Hall. You enjoy bringing people together and solving problems like how to support and connect residents wanting to start programs and activities in Highlands. You’re also in charge of rentals and maintaining the League online calendar. This consists of answering booking requests, showing the hall to prospective renters, checking deposits and rental forms are completed correctly, and updating the calendar to show when the hall is booked.
Time Commitment: 2-4 hours/week
Skills: Organization, time management, social/people/communication skills. Assets: availability during the day.

Sports Director

The sports director is responsible for supporting and promoting sports programs in Highlands. They review and prepare policy and procedures related to sports programs. They are also responsible for recruiting coaches, delegates coaching responsibilities, and organizing other volunteers (with help of the Volunteer Director). Organizing registration times, setting and collecting fees, and arranging timetables are key activities. Finally, they are expected to attend zone and other city-wide sports related meetings.
Time Commitment: 4 hours a month (soccer off-season) / 20 hours a month (soccer season)
Skills: Organization, people skills. Assets: Tech/digital savviness, process improvement.

Volunteer Director

Do you fancy yourself something of a matchmaker? The volunteer director pairs up eager helpers from the community with those who need a hand. You organize people to help run events like the pancake breakfast or Christmas party, and keep track of this precious information. You collaborate with the membership, events and sports directors to connect with interested volunteers. Ex-officio member of large event subcommittees such as Highlandia and hall fundraising.
Time Commitment: Varies with the season. Average of 8 hours per month.
Skills: Organization, communication skills, people management skills. Able to use SignUp.com for connecting with volunteers. Assets: Digital/tech savviness.


As esteemed alumni of a previous incarnation of the Board, you attend board meetings and advise on league history and share the knowledge of your experience.


Communications subcommittee

You have an interest in social media, online communications, writing, graphic design or another of the myriads ways of creative and digital expression, but have less time than a board member (or need a more flexible situation regarding meetings). Come as you are to this group of talented and dedicated communications volunteers.

Committee Time Commitment: 2-4 hours/month (up to as much as you like)
Committee Member Skills (can include but are not limited to): graphic design, social media monitoring, content creation, photography, writing, website maintenance (content and back-end), communications and public/media relations.

Contact: communications@highlandscommunity.ca

Hall renewal subcommittee

You want to help build our new facility. We need volunteers like you!

Committee Time Commitment: 2-4 hours/month (up to as much as you like)
Committee Member Skills (can include but are not limited to): fundraising, event planning, social media (posting/responding to inquiries), content creation.

Contact: hall-renewal@highlandscommunity.ca

If you would like to volunteer to help out at a specific event or just in general, please send an email to secretary@highlandscommunity.ca or fill out our nifty volunteer form.

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