Save Eastglen Pool!

City of Edmonton has recommended Eastglen Leisure Centre for repurpose or closure – Help us take action!

Shared with permission via: Bellevue Community League

On November 1, 2018, the City of Edmonton administration recommended to Council that Eastglen Leisure Centre, Scona Pool and Oliver Outdoor Pool be repurposed or closed.

The recommendation was made as part of budget discussions, and there are several key dates to know about:

  • Council’s first discussion on November 7, 2018
  • Public Hearing November 15, 2015 during which presentations may be made to Council and/or submitted to Council beforehand in writing
  • Council budget deliberations beginning November 28, 2018

This recommendation for closure comes shortly after the City included a potential redevelopment of Eastglen Leisure Centre in its 2019-2022 Capital Budget (p. 55).

The Eastglen Leisure Centre Master Plan, which was developed through working closely with the community, contains options for upgrading and renewing the facility.

If you are concerned about the City closing Eastglen pool, there are several things you can do:

  1. Send an email or call individual Council members – especially our Councillor Tony Caterina – before November 15 to tell them why Eastglen should not be closed. If you call, send an email confirmation. If you email one Councillor, we recommend copying all Councillors. See contact information below.
  2. Sign up to speak to City Council at the November 15, 2018. Here’s how to register to speak.
  3. Attend the hearing on November 15, 2018.

If you are contacting City Council or wish to speak in public, please be courteous and represent the community well, but don’t be afraid to express your passion and support for Eastglen Leisure Centre.

If you’re looking for some ideas about what to say in an email or call to City Council, here are some points to start you off:

  • Talk about why the pool is important to you and your family.
  • Your thoughts about the impact losing this facility would have on our community.
  • Your thoughts about why the City should invest in mature neighbourhoods, not remove amenities.
  • How can the City recommend improving Eastglen through the Master Plan, while recommending it be closed?

One more thing… You may have read the November 5, 2018 Edmonton Journal column that stated older facilities like Eastglen were “run down” and that attendance was declining. Both are absolutely NOT TRUE. We have conveyed our concern to the Edmonton Journal and informed City Council of this inaccuracy.


Mayor: Don Iveson: [email protected]

Urban Planning Committee:

Andrew Knack – [email protected] Tel. 780-496-8112

John Dziadyk – [email protected] Tel. 780-496-8128

Sara Hamilton – [email protected] Tel. 780-496-8120

Michael Walters – [email protected] Tel. 780-496-8132

Other Councillors:

Tony Caterina (Ward 7) – [email protected] Tel. 780-496-8333

Bev Esslinger – [email protected] Tel. 780-496-8136

Scott McKeen – [email protected] Tel. 780-496-8140

Ben Henderson – [email protected] Tel. 780-496-8146

Tim Cartmell – [email protected] Tel. 780-496-8130

Aaron Paquette – [email protected] Tel. 780-496-8138

Moe Banga – [email protected] Tel. 780-496-8148

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